Something is wrong with this picture

Am I the only one still wondering how we can function as if nothing is wrong with America?

How is it that the normalization of modern-day lynching still goes unpunished?

How does mass incarceration continue to cloak the three-syllable word that is the fabric of this society? [Slavery]  

White people have finally figured out how to tax weed, but black and brown people remain in custody for merely using their environment to eat.

It’s business as usual.

“Still a nigga!” Jay Z writes in 4:44.

 We still niggas.

Fuck your education. Fuck your foreign and six-figure income with the model-type wife/husband!

Fuck your projects and generations of people who lived there before you.

Who cares that your people were spoon fed heroin and crack; locked up at disproportionate rates to whites? 

We call it a health epidemic now!

Once you niggas integrated into the school system, we de-funded it!

Once you integrated into our neighborhoods after MLKs assassination, our companies dis-invested. 

We created food deserts and crises to justify a campaign aimed at being tough on criminals—black ones.

We kill anyone who is a threat to the status quo. Check The Black Codes. See Fred Hampton and a list too long to quote.

And fuck your Black Wall Street too.

We hand-pick and socially promote the niggas we can control. See Kaepernick.

We psychologically perpetuate PTSD and vicarious trauma. We leave you in shame with nowhere to turn for help. The most severe cases are institutionalized for profit.

We literally give you the fear of Jesus.

We let your black preachers exploit like drug dealers do. The liquor and lottery lines have you so confused. It’s a gamble either way. You get an emotional high no matter which one you choose. But remain too brainwashed to filter the truth.

I hope the white people reading this are cringing.

We too often put the ownness on another group to change or we blame the victim.

I don’t need the pity parties or the fake Jane Addams coming into a neighborhood showing us how to assimilate. Every time we attempt to take care of our own, the FBI opens a file. We just need you to tell the government to leave us alone.

There have always been white people telling the other white people how to treat any other race, but especially blacks. We need your help again.  

Are we as a whole pissed? Yep!

Nothing has changed. I mean, a few battles and flags posted, but police still do the same shit that they did during the Tubman days.

So, no, I don’t feel like cleaning up the rhetoric to fit into a nationally circulated blog or print paper to prove a point.

I’m no Eric Dyson, Tavis Smiley or any other brilliant pontificator on the subject. I can only tell you that I’m tapped out of university-bought jargon combined with the evidenced based-practice to prove a point that is as obvious as shit is to piss.

This experiment is fucked up for the majority.

Even worse for niggas.