Bye 2017!

I don’t know about you, but this year kicked my ass!

I went through real-life, adult-type shit. From losing a relationship to questioning my whole existence. I experienced the entire kaleidoscope of human emotions and the happy moments were fleeting.

I know a few people that feel the same way.

I also heard stories of complete triumph, engagements celebrations, babies being born and graduations. My little brother even pledged Alpha Phi Alpha.

I don’t discount these tales, but I’ve heard more stories of emotional discontent, depression, identity crisis and the desire for acceptance.

This is for these people.

Breathe. Inhale while counting to 10. Hold counting to five. Release while counting to five. Repeat in cycles as many times as you need.

You made it; albeit tattered and worn; bruised and bent; battled tested while holding on to what’s left of your fractured psyche. You made it nonetheless.

Now it’s time to re-frame the story.

You were tested beyond your limited experience. You gained more from this year than you have ever learned. You were brought to the brink of a mental breakdown or entertained suicide on numerous occasions. You felt defeated, isolated and abandoned. You questioned where were the people who bragged about being there for you.

You reminisced about how you would never leave anyone in this position. You proudly reflected on moments when you were the hero and not getting any credit.

Look at you with your resilient ass!

I get that things aren’t perfect right now, but if this year seemed like an avalanche and you are reading this, then you’ve also learned about yourself.

You have learned how to hone in on the right people and keep them close. You have discovered what good counsel looks like. You’ve probably also inherited some useful profane words when you see anything that reminds you of 2017-type of people.

You are the real winner.

You could’ve given up, put your pen down, stopped drawing or pursuing your dreams. You continued the road. Kept creating because deep down in your spirit you knew that if it wasn’t for this one thing, 
I would break.

That says more about your character than you are willing to acknowledge.

Acknowledgment is a part of self-care, but so is grace, forgiveness, compassion and indulgence.

Take the rest of the year and do some shit like go out to dinner alone. Go see a movie, get a pedicure. 

Grab some sage and lavender and chant.

Take care of yourself. Refill, replenish, and re-energize.

There is another 365 just across the way.

I’m proud of you. I acknowledge the strength in you that it took to hold on.

Go jump intently in your 2018 goals! 


Cynthia said…
I indeed intend too jump in head first! Great read!