Fuck yo comfort zone

Here we go with this shit again! 

Another black woman killed at the hands of police. No, I’m not mad any more.  I’m furious.
 We see white, defiant-, gun-toting- people disarmed all of the time (See Dylan Roof).

In a country that has a black man as a symbolic figure head we seem to have forgotten the bridge of Selma. We seem to have forgotten the 3/5 rule, the inability to vote, the promise of 40 acres and the waves of ships carrying black bodies through a transatlantic slave trade.

The idea that a woman can be shot dead in cold blood further reinforces the notion that blacks are not people when it comes to exercising the same rights that whites do. 

There is a double standard by which the forefathers of this American experiment dubbed that “all men were created equal” while blacks were 3/5 of a person.

We fail to connect the past with the present as if one had nothing to do with the other. 

We do not seem to see the psychological effects of a media campaign that reduces human beings to entertainers while the prison industrial complex increases with the deterioration of quality public school system. Lil Ray can’t go to a school and dream while Caitlin feels the luxury of the pursuit of happiness funded by property taxes.

And before you say anything about white poverty, even the poorest of whites can assert white privilege. “Simply because I am white gives me the upper hand over some poor nigger!” 

So, I am done.

I’m done telling Ray-Ray to get off the corner, stop selling drugs, pull your pants up, use proper vocabulary and get a job. 

How docile does a black man need to be in order to not be feared on the basis of his dark-, copper-skin tone?        

 Why should we have to tell our daughters to curb their attitudes when Becky has been throwing tantrums in the aisles of grocery stores since 2?

Fuck you! I’m furious.

I’m furious that America denies this cloud of racism aimed at the very black men and women kidnapped from Africa to build the wealth of this nation and used slavery to justify a civil war. 

Any attempt to become a sovereign nation by blacks has always been undermined by a group of white people that will not allow blacks to unite to become independent (See the bombing of Black Wall Street).

And being able to slide through social classes does not protect a black man or woman from racism. They just become that “one black friend”  white people use to avert someone else calling them a racist.

“But John, you are a social worker. Surely doctors and nurses don’t get you this riled up?”

Yes, the fuck they do!

How does a whole community health system not be a proper reflection of the community it serves? How does it not have accurate representation of the cultural norms of the people in which they care for? Most of the conflicts between caregivers and patients arise because of a cultural or linguistic barrier. I guess cultural competency only applies to black people interacting with others, but not the other way around? This furthermore reinforces the negative image of black men and women.

We pretend as if 2016 just arrived with a wave of niggas suddenly deciding to come to America from Africa and take over the fucking White House, NBA, NFL and rap videos. 

We didn’t choose to be here in America. This is our home too. 

Why should we remain uncomfortable in the home that we built and still stay silent about the men and women killed by the police?

Fuck yo comfort zone!