I sit with Colin

Photo credit: #ESPN

Ever since Colin Kaepernick decided to sit in protest of the national anthem, my inner field negro has been rising up.

For some reason we deny that this was a country of misfits that banded together with aid of France to overthrow a Monarchy.

We tend to forget the genocide of the Indigenous people.

We forget about the robbery of southern states from Mexico.

We choose to stick to the friendly version of Martin Luther King, Jr.

We keep saying that Rosa Parks was the first lady to sit at the front of the bus.

America likes to tell the story of the compliant nigger.

We do not like protests of Denmark Vassey, Mark Clark, Fred Hampton, Ida B. Wells, Assata Shakur, Tupac Shakur and countless others. That’s why Black History teachers teach the same bullshit every year.

America will never forget 9/11, but fuck slavery, fuck the native people of this land, and fuck anyone who wasn’t of western European decent before Jane Addams.

Fuck the fact that the current condition of black folk is a systemic purpose.

And fuck you if you don’t believe that white supremacy was the very basis of the founding of this “experiment”.

I could quote many sources to back up the aforementioned, but it would really distract you from my point.

America likes the docile-ass nigger.

“You can make music, but it has to fit our agenda and under our contract!” See Chance The Rapper.

“You can play basketball, but we have a dress code and a code of ethics!” See AI(i) (and if you have to ask, just stop reading this shit now.)

Your white privilege has allowed you to stay on welfare more than blacks, use heroin more than blacks, kill each other more than black on black crime, and have the ability to transcend class at a higher rate than blacks.

But White America still sees a problem when a half-breed professional quarterback decides to sit in protest?

That’s some fucked up shit!

You choose to deny certain fabrics of the flag, but ignore the fact that the armed forces have by far the worst system in which to protect the soldiers that put their lives on the line.     

But I guess as long as you can say that you are not white gives you the upper hand, right?

America hated Ali. Hated Malcolm X. Hated Sandra Bland. Hated Oscar Grant, III. Hated Sean Bell. Hated Trayvon Martin. Hated Michael Brown. Hated Tamir Rice. They hated everything that these people stood for in death.

America has yet to respect the Black life.

While I appreciate the slogan #blacklivesmatter, it’s a far cry from the necessary change in the halls of congress needed to make #blacklivesequal.

Fuck your matter.

Make black lives equal.

These are just my petty two cents.

Photo Credit #AtlanticBlackstar
