The Sum of Chris Bryan's Musical Habits (New Music Thursday)

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As he strums, it is easy to get lost within the range of his vocals. He is a sultry and soulful artist whose voice is just as memorable as his guitar licks. His music resembles a mesh of Robin Thicke and John Mayer. He is talented and charming approachable yet comfortable with the spotlight. He sounds the same in person as on his compact disc. So, as I sat in the bar thinking I was listening to a jukebox and wanting to know who the artist was, I found him tucked in the corner playing his acoustic guitar. I just had to buy his compact disc.

Chris Bryan’s music is personal. It is a warm ending to a troublesome week over a glass of red wine. It is great background music over a getting-to-know-you conversation. “The Sum of my Habits,” a 2006 sophomore release, can be described as the soundtrack of broken relationships. “I might be/ the next best thing/ for you/ besides aloneness,” Bryan sings in “The Next Best Thing.” Quaint lyrics throughout the CD are eloquently laced with touching musical arrangements. “Masquerade” is an upbeat highlight of this story. He describes the desire to see someone for who they are. And “Gotta Get Through This” speaks to this notion of trying to make it over the initial feelings of breaking up. Over a funky bass line In “Duplicity” he goes on to sing, “Only one prescription/ for the pains/ of my addiction/ is you.” Overall, Bryan seems to open up and allow the listener into his living room. It is a clear and crisp production with smooth transitions and easy to follow lyrics.

Bryan can be seen every Friday from 10pm to 1am at Bar Louie 1122 W. Lake St. in Oak Park, Illinois. For more information on Chris Bryan visit and on
