4 ways to get over 2017

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had it with 2017. I’m ready for it to be done already.

We can skip over the fat white dude going in and out of chimneys.

This year came with an unusual influx of turmoil, strife, lessons, losses, relationship endings and beginnings. Many of you may have started or ended jobs; graduated from schools and even had some career changes. Your kids were probably acting up or moving out. The list goes on and I’m sure that’s not even the half of what you have experienced.

With all of these adjustments you are probably making a priority list of getting better with finances, health, school or career being at the top of the list. I want to encourage you to take another route.

I’m going into my fourth year as a social worker. I’m emotionally drained from my caseload and my personal life. I now understand what my graduate school instructors were referring to when they kept reciting the mantra “work-life balance”.

It is far unrealistic to expect that there is ever this true achievable balance, but at the core of this motto is to at least carve out time for you. I’m realizing just how important self-care really is.

I have taken the liberty to list some not so usual things that you can do to refill your cup as this year ends.  

1.     Yoga
I know this one is going to throw some people off, especially a few of my people in urban areas. Some of the benefits of yoga include: stress reduction, heart health, increased flexibility, weight reduction and improved energy. Check out sites below for class schedules.  

African American Yoga instructors
-Serene Radiance Yoga https://sereneradianceyoga.com/
-Eb and Flow Yoga Studio http://www.ebandflowyoga.com/

2.      Limit Expectations
Be realistic about your experiences during this holiday season. If this is the time of year that you feel down or not caught up in the excitement of  shopping or being around family members that you only see once per year, give yourself permission to feel that way. You are not alone. It’s perfectly acceptable to go to an event and be introverted or have limited interactions. Trust yourself and pay attention to your limits.

3.      Don’t do anything you don’t want to do
You read it right! If you have to talk yourself into going, then it probably doesn’t fit your “Fuck Budget” (There’s a whole TedTalk on it). Essentially, the speaker says your “Fucks” equal your time, money and energy and should be allocated carefully.

4.      Don’t isolate
You have to find a balance between this one and the previous one. Find people you care about and that care about you to spend precious time with. I’m guilty of this point. I will lounge in bed with my dog at the foot until the next available workday. I will find some justification why it’s perfectly fine to waste away two days. And I know better. Just find somebody that you have a common interest with and enjoy coffee and slight conversation. Go see a movie with that person.

We have all had our rough moments during this year, but it’s almost over. Hang in there.

Let me know in the comments how you plan to refill your own cup!



