Black Love

I love the concept of your conception in the womb

Being groomed specifically for me

Heavenly divine and sent

360 degrees of celestial being

Like an extraterrestrial

You being the




My affection

What a blessin’ in whole

Otha’ cats overlooked

Cause they thought you were coal

All the while

Sparkling underneath and

The best things in life aren’t cheap but

Can’t be bought by Airforce One’s and

Like Proverbs 31

Virtuous women are virtually Obsolete

Hard to find and

I’d rather watch you blossom into a


On that left hand fourth finger

Place a diamond

Take the time and

Nurture what nature intended

Black love

So patient and

Giving and

Kind and


So complimentary and

Sweet to the sight like

Day overlapping night and

Wrong overlapping Right

Whispering sweet benedictions

Even in the midst of friction cause

Our love is strong

Like our Commitments

And others wanna stop and stare

Two diamonds for a black man is rare

One inanimate and lifeless but

Compliments the life birthed by

The Niles fertility

She for me and

Me blessed with the

Responsibility of

Loving her until we reunite with our ancestors

A continuous effort to show and prove but

Not jumpin’ through hoops

Or catchin’ the blues of who’s

Screwin’ who

I divest myself of infidelity

Not just for you but for me

And HIV and threats of foreign disease

I’ll give you the trees from a forest in Lebanon

And worship the ground you walk on

Bein’ the shoulder to lean on and

The safety net to fall on

And in joy being the name you call on

And so on and so on

I just want to blanket you with the universe

And be your light when it’s hard to see.

Bathe you in the Niagara

Where our inequities fall down to earth

Where Angels cried at your birth

And if it only takes me to

Know your worth

Well queen you be

Properly placed on the highest of thrones

Away from the rhetoric and stress

Outside your 9-5

During which constant

Reminders of our love resides

In the hearts of the absent

Consistent with cute roses are reds

And violets are blues

And quotes by your own straight

Langston Hughes

Who is consumed by the thought of your

God Grace and Geometrical shape

I just want to be what nature intended

Black and in Love

with you
